Helping you feel
Self-Compassion, Contentment, and Happiness

Feeling upset, worthless, ashamed, unmotivated, tired, apathetic. We understand how draining and soul-sucking depression can be. Maybe you feel really down, to the point of not being able to, or even wanting to, get out of bed in the morning. You might have a really hard time experiencing pleasure doing the things you used to enjoy, and feel unmotivated to even try to have fun anymore. Perhaps you get into some seriously dark places sometimes and have really self-critical thoughts, maybe even thoughts of wanting to harm yourself. Even if you feel alone, stuck, or unmotivated, working with a therapist can help you attain a newfound experience of fulfillment, meaning, and happiness in the world as well as in your own skin.

How can Therapy for Depression help me?

As someone who may be experiencing depression, you may be feeling:

  • sad, empty, or hopeless about certain situations in your life, and perhaps it’s really difficult to even put your finger on why you feel this way.
  • tired, like having to go through the motions, day in and day out, has become so draining
  • shame about who you are, how other people may see you, and how you see yourself
  • lost and frustrated, although you can see the situation clearly in your mind, you can’t help but feel empty and depressed emotionally, in your heart

Even if you are feeling overwhelmed with feelings like these, psychotherapy can help.

Is there really any hope? I’ve tried everything.

The Psychotherapists at North Star Counseling Services are uniquely qualified to help you manage your emotions and get to a place where you can honestly say that life is good! At North Star, we have made it our life’s purpose to helping people feel better, attain freedom from their demons, and problem solve the difficult situations in life. We welcome you, wherever you are at, and however you may feel about yourself or the world around you. We don’t care how little motivation you may have, we want to work with you even if only a tiny percentage of you feels motivated to improve your life.

We believe that many emotional difficulties are sustained by having to endure overwhelming emotions in isolation. In addition to helping you understand why you may feel the way you do, some of our main goals are to undo this aloneness in session, help you to process your emotions, and work with you to implement healthier ways of thinking, feeling, and experiencing the world. Our practice is rooted in the belief that we all have the potential to transform ourselves and feel whole, no matter what we have been through.

What benefits can I expect from attending therapy for depression on Long Island?”

Psychotherapy can provide the support and tools you need to help you on your way towards a better life. Even if you’re feeling lost now, we can help guide you in making lasting, positive changes in your life. Depression Therapy can help you:

  • start feeling genuinely content and happy
  • be able to let go of the shame and fear that plague your mind
  • discover how to love yourself and feel compassion for yourself
  • start feeling joy in your life again
  • regain the energy to go out and do the things that make you happy
  • enrich your relationships, not just with others but with yourself too

It may not be easy managing your thoughts and emotions, but the good news is that it’s possible to feel better. We have the experience to help you.

Alright, this sounds like it may help, I’ll Check it out.

Excellent! Call or text us at (631) 533-0315 or e-mail us at to book an appointment or set up a free 15 minute phone consultation. All it takes is one moment to start the process of transforming your life. We’re here for you.

FAQ on Therapy for Depression

Therapy for depression is a comprehensive and compassionate process that offers you the opportunity to collaborate with a skilled therapist in order to navigate the intricate landscape of depressive symptoms. Depression can manifest in various ways, such as persistent sadness, low energy, and a lack of interest in activities that once brought you joy. When you engage in therapy for depression, you embark on a journey to understand the root causes of these symptoms and develop tools to manage them.

A trained therapist creates a warm and nonjudgmental space where you can openly explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This therapeutic alliance is built on trust and empathy, allowing you to delve into the underlying factors contributing to your depression. Through these conversations, your therapist gains insights into the triggers and patterns that perpetuate your feelings of sadness and despondency.

One of the key components of therapy for depression is to develop and implement effective coping strategies. These strategies are tailored to your unique challenges and may encompass cognitive techniques, behavioral interventions, and practical skills that empower you to navigate your depressive symptoms more effectively.

Cognitive Techniques: Therapy addresses negative thought patterns that often accompany depression. Through guided discussions, your therapist helps you identify distorted or self-critical thoughts, guiding you towards recognizing their inaccuracies. By gradually challenging and reframing these negative thoughts, you gain a more balanced and realistic perspective.

Behavioral Interventions: Depression can lead to avoidance behaviors and a decline in daily functioning. Therapy assists you in setting achievable goals and gradually reintroducing activities that once brought you pleasure. As you engage in these activities, you’ll often find a gradual improvement in your mood and overall sense of well-being.

Practical Skills: Therapy equips you with a toolbox of practical skills that extend beyond the therapy room. These skills might include relaxation exercises, mindfulness practices, and healthy ways to cope with stress. By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you develop resilience against the effects of depression.

It’s important to emphasize that therapy for depression is not about magically erasing all feelings of sadness. Instead, it’s about learning to manage and cope with those feelings in a healthier and more constructive manner. As you progress through therapy, you’ll notice a gradual shift in your ability to respond to depressive symptoms, a heightened sense of self-awareness, and an improved capacity to experience moments of joy.

Therapy for depression is a personalized journey, tailored to your unique experiences and goals. By embarking on this journey, you’re taking a proactive step towards building emotional resilience, fostering self-compassion, and moving towards a life that is more vibrant and fulfilling.

Therapy for depression is a dynamic and comprehensive process that utilizes a range of therapeutic techniques to guide you on a journey of understanding, healing, and personal growth. Through the collaboration between you and your therapist, you’ll explore the intricate landscape of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, with the ultimate aim of alleviating the burdens of depression and reclaiming your well-being.

Talk Therapy and Open Conversations: At the heart of therapy for depression is talk therapy, where you engage in open, supportive, and nonjudgmental conversations with your therapist. These discussions provide a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to explore the root causes of your depression and gain insights into its various dimensions. Your therapist is there to listen, validate your experiences, and help you navigate the complexities of your emotions.

Diverse Therapeutic Techniques: Therapy draws from an array of therapeutic approaches, ensuring that your treatment is tailored to your individual needs and preferences. Some of the techniques commonly utilized include:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns that contribute to depression. By understanding the connections between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you’ll learn how to reframe unhelpful thinking patterns and replace them with more constructive ones.
  • Motivational Interviewing: This technique helps you explore and enhance your motivation to make positive changes in your life. It can assist you in setting and achieving goals that align with your values, providing a sense of purpose and direction.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT combines acceptance and change strategies to help you manage intense emotions and improve interpersonal relationships. It equips you with skills to regulate emotions, tolerate distress, and communicate effectively.
  • Behavioral Activation: This technique focuses on increasing engagement in activities that bring joy and a sense of accomplishment. By reintroducing enjoyable activities into your routine, you can counteract the cycle of withdrawal and low mood often associated with depression.
  • Psychodynamic Therapy: Exploring your past experiences and unconscious processes can provide insights into the origins of your depression. Psychodynamic therapy aims to uncover underlying patterns and promote self-awareness.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT teaches mindfulness skills to help you accept difficult emotions while working towards personal values and goals. It encourages you to develop a more flexible relationship with your thoughts and emotions.

Personalized Approach: Your therapy journey is tailored to your unique experiences and goals. Your therapist collaborates with you to choose the techniques that resonate most effectively and adjust the approach as you progress.

Through therapy, you’ll develop a toolkit of strategies to manage depressive symptoms, gradually regain a sense of control, and foster a deeper connection with yourself. The therapeutic process extends beyond the sessions, equipping you with skills that empower you to face life’s challenges with greater resilience and self-compassion. As you work towards healing and growth, you’ll find that the impact of depression begins to lessen, allowing space for hope, positivity, and a renewed sense of purpose.

By elaborating on the diverse techniques utilized and the personalized nature of therapy for depression, potential clients can gain a deeper understanding of the therapeutic process and its potential benefits for their unique situations.

Therapy for depression is recommended when the weight of persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and disinterest begins to significantly impact your day-to-day functioning and overall well-being. If you find it increasingly challenging to enjoy activities you once loved, maintain healthy relationships, or concentrate on tasks, therapy can offer essential support.

Depression can manifest in various ways, including changes in sleep patterns, appetite, and energy levels. If you notice these changes enduring over time and affecting your ability to lead a fulfilling life, it’s a strong indicator that seeking therapy is the right step. Therapy provides a safe space to explore the roots of your depression, develop coping strategies, and work towards gradually restoring a sense of balance and joy in your life.

At our practice, we understand that seeking therapy is an important investment in your well-being. We accept almost all insurance plans, and your out-of-pocket costs will generally be in the form of your copay. For those without insurance coverage or with plans we don’t accept, we offer a sliding scale fee structure. Depending on your income, you could access services for as low as $80 per session. Additionally, if you’re concerned about high copays, deductibles, or private pay fees,, we provide the option of every-other-week sessions, weekly sessions, or twice-per-week sessions, to help manage costs while still receiving valuable support.

The journey of therapy for depression is a personal and transformative experience, shaped by the intricacies of your individual circumstances. While the duration of therapy varies for each person, there are general benchmarks that can offer insights into the healing process.

Customized Timeline: Depression is a multifaceted emotional landscape, and therapy respects this complexity by tailoring the treatment timeline to your specific needs. Your therapist collaborates with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique challenges and aspirations.

Severity of Depression: The extent of your depression plays a significant role in determining the duration of therapy. Individuals with mild to moderate depression may find relief relatively quickly, while those with more profound or chronic depression may require more time to experience substantial improvements.

Symptomatic Relief: Many clients notice significant relief from major depressive symptoms within the initial 3 to 6 months of therapy. This early period often marks a pivotal juncture where you start to feel a gradual lifting of the emotional weight and experience a reduction in the intensity and frequency of negative thoughts and feelings.

Longer-Term Healing: For those contending with more entrenched or recurrent depression, therapy might extend beyond the initial 3 to 6 months. This prolonged engagement allows for a deeper exploration of underlying causes, the development of enhanced coping skills, and a more thorough integration of therapeutic techniques.

Active Participation: Your active involvement and commitment to the therapeutic process play a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of your healing. Engaging in therapeutic exercises, practicing strategies between sessions, and consistently attending appointments can expedite your progress.

Post-Relief Support: Even after experiencing significant relief, some individuals opt to continue therapy to solidify their progress, fine-tune coping mechanisms, and address any residual symptoms or challenges that may arise.

Transformation and Growth: The objective of therapy for depression is not only to alleviate symptoms but also to foster a broader sense of transformation and growth. Beyond symptom reduction, therapy aims to enhance your understanding of your thoughts and emotions, build emotional resilience, and empower you to navigate life’s complexities with greater self-assurance.

As you embark on the path of therapy for depression, remember that healing is a unique journey that unfolds at its own pace. Your commitment and engagement, coupled with the guidance of a skilled therapist, pave the way for a future where depression wanes, and the light of hope and possibility shines more brightly. By actively participating in the therapeutic process, you’re investing in your own well-being, creating a foundation for lasting positive change, and cultivating the tools to live a life that is more enriched, meaningful, and emotionally balanced.

Recognizing the need for therapy for depression involves acknowledging the impact that persistent feelings of sadness, changes in behavior, and shifts in your emotional well-being have on your daily life. If you find yourself grappling with the weight of these challenges, therapy offers a safe and supportive space to understand, manage, and ultimately overcome the grip of depression.

Persistent Feelings of Sadness: If you’re experiencing ongoing feelings of sadness that seem to cloud every aspect of your life, affecting your mood, thoughts, and activities, therapy can provide the support you need. Depression often manifests as a persistent low mood that doesn’t lift even when circumstances improve. Therapy equips you with strategies to address these feelings and gradually find relief.

Lack of Motivation: Depression can sap your energy and enthusiasm for life, making even simple tasks feel overwhelming. If you’re struggling to find motivation or interest in activities you once enjoyed, therapy can help you rediscover a sense of purpose and engagement. Through therapy, you’ll learn strategies to combat the inertia that often accompanies depression.

Changes in Sleep and Appetite: Depression can disrupt your sleep patterns, leading to difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing excessive sleepiness. Similarly, changes in appetite can result in overeating or loss of interest in food. If you’re experiencing these changes, therapy can provide insights into their connection to your emotional state and offer tools to regain healthy sleep and eating patterns.

Impact on Relationships: Depression can strain relationships and hinder your ability to connect with others. If you’re withdrawing from social interactions, experiencing irritability, or finding it challenging to communicate with loved ones, therapy can help you address these relational challenges and rebuild connections.

Loss of Interest: Depression can rob you of the pleasure you once found in activities, hobbies, and experiences. If you’re struggling with a lack of interest or joy in life, therapy can assist you in identifying ways to reintroduce meaningful activities and experiences into your routine.

Therapy for depression offers a proactive and empowering approach to managing the challenges that depression brings. It provides you with a toolkit of strategies, coping skills, and a safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings. Through therapy, you’ll gain insights into the root causes of your depression and develop techniques to navigate its complexities.

Deciding if therapy for depression is right for you is an important step in prioritizing your well-being. It involves recognizing the impact of depression on your daily life and understanding that seeking help is a positive step towards change. Therapy offers you the opportunity to learn how to manage depressive symptoms effectively, enhance your emotional resilience, and create a path towards healing and growth.