Helping People Take Back Control of their Lives

If you are struggling with Panic Attacks, we understand how stressful and sometimes even how debilitating this can be. You might experience recurrent unexpected panic attacks (sometimes referred to as anxiety attacks), where a surge of intense fear or discomfort takes over your body, mind, and emotions. Maybe you can’t stop worrying about having additional panic attacks, feeling like you may lose control, have a heart attack, stop breathing, or like you are “going crazy”.

You might avoid going to certain places or doing certain activities in order to avoid having a panic attack. You might feel embarrassed to open up about what you’re really going through, even to family and friends. Getting help from an expert therapist at North Star Counseling Services can help you talk freely about what’s bothering you, and get rid of your panic attacks once and for all.

Here are some specific challenges related to panic attacks that therapy can assist you with

As a people suffering with recurrent Panic Attacks, you may be feeling:

  • Fear that you may lose control, suffocate, go crazy, and/or die while having a panic attack
  • Anxiety about when the next panic attack may come
  • Frustrated that they seem to come out of nowhere
  • Down on yourself about how much these panic attacks are negatively affecting your life
  • Like you try your best to relax and control them, but they always come back

Even if you are overwhelmed with feelings like these, therapy for panic attack can help.

Therapy for Panic Attacks Can Help You Take Back Control of Your Life

At North Star Counseling Services, we have qualified, expert psychotherapists who specialize in treating Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder. Unfortunately, Panic Attacks are very widely misunderstood by most people, including well-meaning friends and family, and even many therapists. Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder are actually extremely straightforward and receptive to treatment – it just needs the right treatment! By utilizing an effective blend of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, and Exposure Therapy (it’s not as scary as it sounds!), many of our clients with a history of panic attacks see drastic improvement within a few sessions!

Shed those Panic Attacks. Improve Your Life.

Therapy for Panic Attacks can provide the support you need to help you find your way towards a better life. Even if you’re feeling lost now, we can help guide you in making lasting, positive changes in your life. Psychotherapy can help you:

  • Stop feeling worried all the time
  • Intuitively know how to prevent future panic attacks
  • Relate to your mental, emotional, and physical experience in healthier ways
  • Feel confident about being able to engage in things you enjoy without anxiety and without the fear that your anxiety will overwhelm you
  • Be more present in your all areas of your life

It’s possible to feel better. We have the experience and the expertise to help you.

Take The Next Step: Learn More about Our Services or Set Up an Appointment

Call or text us at (631) 533-0315 or e-mail us at to book an appointment or set up a free 15 minute phone consultation. All it takes is one moment to start the process of transforming your life. We’re here for you.

FAQ on Therapy for Panic Attack

Therapy for panic attacks is a specialized and empathetic process that empowers you to collaboratively navigate the intense and distressing experiences of panic. Panic attacks can be overwhelming, marked by sudden surges of fear and physical sensations that can feel uncontrollable. When you engage in therapy for panic attacks, you embark on a journey of understanding, resilience-building, and regaining control over your life.

Collaborative Exploration: At the core of therapy for panic attacks is a collaborative relationship between you and a skilled therapist. Together, you’ll delve into the intricate aspects of panic attacks, exploring the triggers, thought patterns, and emotions that contribute to their onset. Your therapist provides a safe space for you to share your experiences, express your fears, and work together to identify the root causes of panic.

Understanding Triggers and Causes: Panic attacks often emerge from a combination of physical sensations, thoughts, and environmental factors. Therapy helps you recognize these triggers, whether they’re specific situations, thoughts, or bodily sensations that provoke anxiety. By understanding the underlying causes, you gain insights into the interconnected web of panic, ultimately demystifying the experience.

Developing Coping Strategies: Therapy equips you with a variety of coping strategies tailored to manage panic attacks effectively. These strategies may encompass breathing techniques, mindfulness practices, and exposure exercises. Breathing techniques can help regulate your physical sensations, while mindfulness assists in grounding you in the present moment, reducing the tendency to catastrophize. Exposure exercises involve gradually facing the situations or triggers that provoke panic, helping you build tolerance and reduce anxiety over time.

Addressing Negative Thought Patterns: Panic attacks often come with a barrage of negative thoughts that intensify the experience. Therapy helps you identify and challenge these thoughts, replacing them with more balanced and rational alternatives. By altering thought patterns, you can diminish the power that panic attacks hold over you.

Building Resilience: Therapy for panic attacks extends beyond just managing the symptoms; it aims to enhance your emotional resilience. Through a combination of techniques, you’ll develop the skills to respond to panic attacks with greater composure, gradually reducing their impact and frequency. As you progress through therapy, you’ll find that the grip of panic loosens, allowing space for empowerment and a renewed sense of control.

Tailored Approach: Your therapy journey is unique to your experiences and needs. Your therapist collaborates with you to choose techniques that resonate most effectively and adjusts the approach as you make progress.

Through therapy, you’ll gain insights into the intricate dynamics of panic attacks, discover practical tools to manage them, and cultivate resilience in the face of anxiety. This journey empowers you to move beyond the constraints of panic attacks, allowing you to engage more fully with life. As you develop the skills to navigate panic attacks, you’ll find a newfound sense of confidence, inner strength, and the ability to live life on your terms.

By elaborating on the collaborative nature of therapy for panic attacks and the strategies used to manage and reduce their frequency, potential clients can gain a deeper understanding of what to expect from the therapeutic process and its potential benefits for their unique situations.

Therapy for panic attacks is a purposeful and transformative process that draws upon a range of proven techniques to guide you through the complexities of panic, allowing you to regain control, reduce the impact of panic episodes, and ultimately reclaim your life from the grip of fear.

Techniques for Treatment:

  • Exposure Therapy: This technique involves systematically confronting the situations, thoughts, or sensations that trigger panic attacks. Exposure therapy is conducted in a gradual and controlled manner, ensuring that you confront your fears in a safe environment. Over time, this exposure helps you build tolerance to the triggers and reduces the intensity of the fear response.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT focuses on the connections between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It helps you identify and challenge distorted thought patterns that contribute to panic attacks. Through this process, you gain a more realistic perspective on your fears and develop strategies to manage anxious thoughts more effectively.
  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques teach you to be present in the moment, observing your thoughts and sensations without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to reduce the reactivity to panic-inducing thoughts and physical sensations, ultimately leading to a greater sense of control.
  • Relaxation Training: Panic attacks often come with a surge of physical sensations, such as a racing heart and rapid breathing. Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualization, can help you manage these physical symptoms and prevent them from escalating into a full-blown panic attack.

Confronting Fears and Gaining Control:

Therapy for panic attacks guides you through confronting your fears in a structured and supportive manner. By gradually exposing yourself to triggers under the guidance of your therapist, you build resilience and reduce the intensity of your fear responses. This exposure process helps you regain a sense of control over situations that previously triggered panic attacks.

Relaxation Techniques: Therapy teaches you practical relaxation techniques that serve as tools to manage physical sensations and emotional distress during panic episodes. These techniques can be applied in real-time, allowing you to intervene and prevent a panic attack from escalating.

Addressing Anticipatory Anxiety: Many individuals who experience panic attacks develop a fear of future panic attacks, leading to anticipatory anxiety. Therapy helps you address this fear by providing strategies to manage anxiety, recognize irrational thought patterns, and regain a sense of security. By letting go of the worry about having a panic attack, you can experience a newfound freedom and sense of peace.

Holistic Transformation: Therapy for panic attacks offers a holistic approach that extends beyond just managing symptoms. It empowers you to rebuild your relationship with fear, cultivate emotional resilience, and regain a sense of agency over your life. As you progress through therapy, you’ll find that panic attacks lose their power to control your thoughts and actions, allowing you to live more fully and joyfully.

By elaborating on the techniques used and the holistic transformation that therapy for panic attacks can bring, potential clients gain a deeper understanding of the therapeutic process and its potential to provide relief and empowerment in the face of panic.

Panic attacks can be a relentless force, sweeping in suddenly and overwhelming you with an intense surge of fear. When these episodes start encroaching upon your daily life, disrupting your sense of well-being and interfering with your ability to engage in normal activities, seeking therapy becomes a crucial step towards regaining control and reclaiming your peace of mind.

Impact on Daily Life: Panic attacks are not just fleeting moments of discomfort; they’re disruptive experiences that can turn your world upside down. When the fear and physical symptoms associated with panic attacks begin to intrude upon your daily life, making it difficult to concentrate, socialize, or even leave your home, therapy provides a lifeline to regain stability.

Behavioral Alterations and Avoidance: A telling sign that therapy is needed is when you find yourself altering your behaviors to avoid situations, places, or triggers that might induce panic attacks. This avoidance can lead to a shrinking comfort zone, limiting your experiences and opportunities. Therapy helps you confront these fears in a controlled and gradual manner, helping you rebuild your confidence and expand your boundaries.

Distress and Loss of Control: Panic attacks can be distressing, leaving you feeling as though you’re losing control over your body and mind. The physical symptoms, like a racing heart, trembling, and a sense of impending doom, can be overwhelming. If these episodes become a recurrent pattern, therapy provides a space to address the physiological aspects of panic and learn strategies to manage the physical sensations.

Addressing Underlying Causes: Panic attacks often have underlying triggers and causes that are unique to each individual. Therapy delves into these factors, helping you understand the roots of your panic. By addressing these causes, you gain insights into the dynamics that fuel your panic attacks, enabling you to develop more effective coping strategies.

Tools to Manage Physical and Emotional Aspects: Therapy arms you with a variety of tools to manage the physical and emotional aspects of panic attacks. You’ll learn relaxation techniques to regulate your body’s response, mindfulness practices to anchor you in the present moment, and exposure techniques to gradually face triggers without succumbing to fear.

Empowerment and Confidence: Through therapy, you’ll learn to reframe your relationship with panic attacks. Instead of feeling powerless, you’ll develop the skills to respond to panic with composure and resilience. This transformation empowers you to regain confidence and feel more in control, even in the face of anxiety-inducing situations.

Therapy for panic attacks isn’t about erasing the possibility of panic altogether; rather, it’s about equipping you with the tools and understanding to manage and navigate panic more effectively. It provides a supportive environment to address the immediate distress of panic attacks and explore the deeper layers that contribute to their occurrence. By investing in therapy, you’re investing in your own emotional well-being, growth, and the potential to lead a life that isn’t dictated by fear.

At our practice, we understand that seeking therapy is an important investment in your well-being. We accept almost all insurance plans, and your out-of-pocket costs will generally be in the form of your copay. For those without insurance coverage or with plans we don’t accept, we offer a sliding scale fee structure. Depending on your income, you could access services for as low as $80 per session. Additionally, if you’re concerned about high copays, deductibles, or private pay fees,, we provide the option of every-other-week sessions, weekly sessions, or twice-per-week sessions, to help manage costs while still receiving valuable support.

The journey of therapy for panic attacks is characterized by its efficiency and effectiveness, offering a transformative path toward relief from the distressing grip of panic. While the duration of therapy varies based on individual factors, the streamlined nature of panic attack therapy can bring rapid and profound changes to your emotional landscape.

Tailored to Your Pace: Therapy for panic attacks is a journey uniquely tailored to your pace and progress. Your therapist collaborates with you to design a treatment plan that aligns with your needs, allowing you to engage with the therapeutic techniques at a pace that feels comfortable and empowering.

Immediate Impact: One of the remarkable aspects of panic attack therapy is its ability to deliver swift relief. Many clients experience significant improvements within the initial 3 to 6 months of therapy. This rapid turnaround is a testament to the effectiveness of the techniques used to address panic attacks.

Real-Life Implementation: A key element of therapy for panic attacks is the implementation of techniques in real-life scenarios. As you integrate these techniques into your daily experiences, you’ll find that your ability to manage panic attacks improves. This active engagement accelerates the therapeutic process and enhances your confidence in facing triggers.

Focus on Practicality: Therapy for panic attacks is renowned for its practicality. The techniques you learn are designed to be applied directly to panic-inducing situations. This focus on real-world applicability ensures that you’re equipped with the tools to manage panic attacks in the moment, leading to faster relief and increased empowerment.

Effective and Straightforward: The treatment for panic attacks is characterized by its effectiveness and simplicity. The streamlined nature of the therapeutic techniques allows for direct engagement with the core elements of panic, resulting in quicker resolution and symptom reduction.

Cultivating Resilience: As you progress through therapy, you’ll discover your capacity to manage panic attacks with increasing ease. The techniques you learn empower you to regulate your physical responses, shift your thought patterns, and navigate the fear with confidence.

Embracing Freedom: The aim of therapy for panic attacks is not only to reduce the frequency and intensity of panic episodes but also to provide you with a sense of liberation. By mastering techniques that empower you to confront fear and uncertainty, you’ll find that panic loses its grip on your life.

Transformative Journey: Therapy for panic attacks is a transformative journey that propels you towards greater emotional freedom and resilience. It’s about learning to navigate the storm of panic with skill and confidence, ultimately revealing the strength that resides within you.

As you engage in therapy for panic attacks, remember that relief is attainable, and empowerment is within your reach. The streamlined and effective nature of this therapy offers you the opportunity to reclaim control over your emotional experiences swiftly and decisively. By embarking on this journey, you’re stepping into a future where panic no longer dictates your choices, and where you’re equipped to embrace life with newfound courage and calmness.

If you find yourself caught in the grip of sudden and intense panic episodes that disrupt your sense of normalcy, strain your relationships, and cast a shadow over your overall well-being, therapy offers a pathway towards regaining control and diminishing the impact of these distressing experiences.

Disruptive Panic Episodes: Panic episodes can be paralyzing, engulfing you in a torrent of fear that seems to come out of nowhere. If these episodes strike suddenly, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and incapacitated, therapy can offer insights and strategies to manage their intensity and frequency.

Interference with Daily Life: When panic attacks start to interfere with your daily life, affecting your ability to work, engage in social activities, or even leave your home, seeking therapy is a crucial step towards reclaiming a sense of normalcy. Therapy provides you with the tools to confront your fears and regain control over situations that trigger panic.

Impact on Relationships: Panic attacks don’t just affect you; they can also strain your relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. If you find yourself withdrawing from social interactions, becoming increasingly irritable, or struggling to communicate due to the fear of panic attacks, therapy offers strategies to address these relational challenges and rebuild connections.

Overarching Emotional Toll: The toll of panic attacks extends beyond the physical symptoms. The emotional distress they bring can create a sense of isolation, helplessness, and confusion. If you’re grappling with these feelings and seeking relief, therapy provides a supportive space to explore your emotions, develop coping strategies, and move towards a place of greater emotional balance.

Regaining Empowerment: Therapy for panic attacks is about regaining a sense of empowerment in the face of fear. If you’re tired of feeling controlled by panic, therapy equips you with tools to manage the intensity of panic episodes, navigate triggers, and develop strategies to prevent escalation.

Transforming Fear into Opportunity: Seeking therapy for panic attacks is an opportunity to transform fear into empowerment. It’s a proactive step towards learning how to cope with panic episodes and understanding the factors that contribute to their occurrence. By engaging in therapy, you’re investing in your own well-being and growth, giving yourself the chance to lead a life that is not dictated by fear.

Personalized Journey: The decision to pursue therapy for panic attacks is deeply personal and hinges on recognizing the impact of panic on your life and well-being. If panic is limiting your experiences and potential, therapy offers a guiding light to navigate the darkness of fear and move towards a brighter, more confident future.

Ultimately, therapy for panic attacks is about reclaiming your agency and finding the courage to confront the overwhelming force of panic. It’s a step towards understanding the root causes, developing coping strategies, and moving forward with greater resilience. By choosing therapy, you’re choosing to embark on a journey of healing and growth, where the weight of panic begins to lift, and the path towards empowerment becomes clear.